Here, we'll have a look at implementation geoserverx
synchronous Class.
Get started
To start using gsx
CLI tool, install geoserverx
package and turn on the environment.
Setup CLI instance
$ pip install geoserverx
---> 100%
$ gsx
Usage: gsx [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try 'gsx --help' for help.
Error: Missing command.
We'll assume connection to local GeoServer with default credentials
Get all workspaces
$ gsx workspaces
{"workspaces": {"workspace": [{"name": "cesium", "href":
Get single workspaces
$ gsx workspace --workspace cesium
{"workspace": {"name": "cesium", "isolated": false, "dateCreated": "2023-02-13
06:43:28.793 UTC", "dataStores":
"wmsStores": "",
"wmtsStores": ""}}
Create single workspaces
$ gsx create-workspace --workspace mydefaultws --default
code=201 response='Data added successfully'
Get all Vector stores
$ gsx vector-st-wp --workspace cesium
{"dataStores": {"dataStore": [{"name": "mysqlllllll", "href":
Get single Vector store information
$ gsx vector-store --workspace cesium --store mysqlllllll
{"dataStore": {"name": "mysqlllllll", "description": null, "enabled": true, "workspace":
{"name": "cesium", "href":
""}, "connectionParameters":
{"entry": [{"key": "Evictor run periodicity", "path": "300"}, {"key": "fetch size",
"path": "1000"}, {"key": "Expose primary keys", "path": "false"}, {"key": "validate
connections", "path": "true"}, {"key": "Connection timeout", "path": "20"}, {"key":
"Batch insert size", "path": "1"}, {"key": "database", "path": "appsolicitous_dcra"},
{"key": "port", "path": "3306"}, {"key": "passwd", "path":
"crypt1:njsGJk9CEY8jiaqfSYyQGZeB9RLB2sh7"}, {"key": "storage engine", "path": "MyISAM"},
{"key": "min connections", "path": "1"}, {"key": "dbtype", "path": "mysql"}, {"key":
"host", "path": ""}, {"key": "namespace", "path": "cesium"}, {"key": "max
connections", "path": "10"}, {"key": "Evictor tests per run", "path": "3"}, {"key": "Test
while idle", "path": "true"}, {"key": "user", "path": "appsolicitous_dcra"}, {"key": "Max
connection idle time", "path": "300"}]}, "dateCreated": "2023-02-28 10:38:52.70 UTC",
"dateModified": null, "featureTypes":
Get all raster stores
$ gsx raster-st-wp --workspace cesium
{"coverageStores": {"coverageStore": [{"name": "dem", "href":
{"name": "dsm", "href":
{"name": "ortho", "href":
Get single raster store information
$ gsx raster-store --workspace cesium --store dsm
{"coverageStore": {"name": "dsm", "description": null, "enabled": true, "workspace":
{"name": "cesium", "href":
""}, "url":
"file:///Users/krishnaglodha/Desktop/IGI_DATA/DSM/IGI_DSM1m1.tif", "coverages":
", "dateCreated": "2023-02-23 13:39:48.417 UTC", "metadata": null}}
Get all styles
$ gsx styles
{"styles": {"style": [{"name": "burg", "href":
""}, {"name": "capitals", "href":
""}, {"name": "cite_lakes",
"href": ""}, {"name": "dem",
"href": ""}, {"name": "generic",
"href": ""}, {"name":
"giant_polygon", "href":
""}, {"name": "grass",
"href": ""}, {"name": "green",
"href": ""}, {"name": "line",
"href": ""}]}}
Get single style information
$ gsx style --style p
{"style": {"name": "poi", "format": "sld", "languageVersion": {"version": "1.0.0"},
"filename": "poi.sld"}}