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Using prefect deployments and storage blocks

Configure storage for flow and results

This example shall use minIO, an S3-compatible object store, to store data. We will configure pygeoapi to use minIO for both:

  • Storing process execution outputs
  • Storing the deployed flow code

Let's start by standing up a local docker container with minIO:

mkdir --parents ~/minio/data

docker run \
    --publish 9000:9000 \
    --publish 9090:9090 \
    --name minio \
    --volume ~/minio/data:/data \
    --env "MINIO_ROOT_USER=tester" \
    --env "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345678" \ \
    server /data --console-address ":9090"

Login to the minIO dashboard at then go ahead and create a bucket named pygeoapi-test

Now you need to create a prefect storage block that references this bucket. Either use the custom CLI command shipped by pygeoapi-prefect or create the block using prefect UI.

Using the pygeoapi-prefect CLI command:

pygeoapi plugins prefect create-storage-block \
    test-sb1 \
    s3://pygeoapi-test \
    http://localhost:9000 \
    tester \

Using the Prefect UI you would create a block of type Remote File System:

  • name: test-sb1
  • basepath: s3://pygeoapi-test
  • settings:
      "key": "tester",
      "secret": "12345678",
      "client_kwargs": {
        "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000"

Implement process code and configure pygeoapi

For this example we are using the example flow that is shipped with pygeoapi-prefect.

Deploy process

After having created the block in prefect, we can now deploy our pygeoapi process:

export PYGEOAPI_CONFIG=example-config.yml

poetry run pygeoapi plugins prefect deploy-process hi-prefect-world

This results in prefect creating a deployment named hi-prefect-world/test, and since we are specifying a storage block, prefect also uploads the flow code onto the storage (which is the minIO bucket created previously).

You can verify this step by:

  • Checking the presence of a hi-prefect-world-flow entry inside the previously created minIO bucket. By running the deploy-process command you instructed prefect to upload the flow code to the minIO storage.
  • Checking the existence of a hi-prefect-world/minio deployment, as reported in the prefect UI

3. Execute process via pygeoapi

http -v localhost:5000/processes/hi-prefect-world/execution inputs:='{"name": "Frankie Four-fingers"}'

We should now be able to run our deployment - first by using the prefect CLI:

poetry run prefect deployment run hi-prefect-world/minio \
  --param name=johnny \
  --param message=wazaaap \
  --param pygeoapi_job_id=test-id-1

Then from the prefect dashboard, by selecting the deployment and clicking on Run -> Custom run... (where we can specify values for the flow parameters, just as we did before in the CLI example)

Finally, we ought to be able to trigger a run of this deployment by leveraging pygeoapi's support for OAPI - Processes:

http -v localhost:5000/processes/hi-prefect-world/execution inputs:='{"name": "Frankie Four-fingers"}'